‘Going Higher’ by Cole Knight [Minimal/ Old-school House]

“Going Higher” is a track that immediately sets the right vibe. It balances on the edge of Minimal / Old-school House with noticeable Electro accents. It’s a sound familiar to fans of dirty but sexy groove.

Dive into the energetic depth of Cole Knight’s “Going Higher”, a track that is sure to hook your “dancefloor” heart.

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Artist: Cole Knight
Title: Going Higher
Genre: Electronic
Style: Minimal / Old-school House


In the second half of the track, the synths come to the forefront. This is where the real rise begins. Detuns and light saturation add warmth, and wide stereo panorama creates a “take-off” effect.

Vocals are a separate story. It is sexy and barely perceptible. Reverb and duel on the voice work perfectly: the vocal elements seem to float above the mix, creating an intimate feeling. This is a recognizable Cole Knight signature – her vocals sound lively, but the processing adds a bit of mystery to it.

Final chord

The track balances on the intersection of groovy minimalism and sexy house. Echoes of electro house can be clearly heard, especially in the synths and overall energy. This is a track for a late night set, when the dancefloor has opened up and is ready for the next level.

Cole Knight asserts himself with confidence. “Going Higher” is an example of how old forms can come to life in new interpretations.

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