“IAMT Red” label presents the track “It Calls You”, created by American producers Ozonemusik and Jengs together with Acid Aphrodite vocalist. This is a driving and melodic track combining elements of techno and trance music.
The basis of “It Calls You” is a dense “kick” and fast pulsation in the bass part, which are mixed with a characteristic sub-bass. A euphonious riff follows, it intertwines with the rhythm and stays in the listener’s memory. The techno-transformation of this riff, combined with the vocals, gives the track character and attitude.
Artist: Ozonemusik, Jengs, Acid Aphrodite
Title: It Calls You
Genre: Electronic
Style: Driving / Melodic Techno
The idea for the track originated in New Jersey, where Ozonemusik and Jengs got together in a studio and created the foundation. Later, the talented vocalist Acid Aphrodite joined the project, adding her stunning vocal parts and melodic elements. Her voice gives the track an emotional depth and makes “It Calls You” truly heartfelt.
Thus, “It Calls You” combines the technical skill and creative energy of three talented young artists. Ride the wave of musical inspiration and join them on an exciting journey where every note takes your soul to the dance floor. This track will become an indispensable addition to your music collection, leaving its bright trace in your heart and memories.